Working Across Time Zones: Tips and Resources for Freelancers

However, it can be difficult to sense each other’s tones when working across timezones as everything is more often delivered asynchronously. Communicating plainly across timezones means you need to package information and share it in one exchange if possible. This way, colleagues can act immediately and don’t need to wait another day just to get the full context. Instead of texting “hi” and then waiting 24 hours, employees can organize information and assignments into short paragraphs and send them together.

tips working across time zones

We find a consultative process is most effective for companies with 50 or more employees and a rapid process is more impactful for companies with fewer than 50 employees. You might find that there’s no perfect time for your team, but at least you’ll find options that aren’t excruciating. Plus, you can add the correct time to your calendar in just a click, if you’d like.

Why does effective collaboration across timezones matter today?

More, it can be difficult to type out detailed messages or engage in extensive back-and-forth exchanges. Since you might need several rounds of these for a particular project, you’ll want a better process. We chose these two because we’ve been using Trello for years and Asana is a very different approach that may work better for some larger teams.

tips working across time zones

This is especially true for creative work that requires maximum focus. We’re familiar with the premise that it takes around 25 minutes to resume your workflow flow after an interruption. Therefore, any amount of time difference can be used working remotely in a different time zone as an advantage for distributed teams, considering it gives employees time to work undistracted. While you still want to be cognizant of others’ time zones, setting one official time zone for your company can help alleviate confusion.

How to Work From Home: 24 Tips From People Who Do It Successfully

Teams in traditional office settings sometimes measure productivity by how long each team member spends at their desk. But remote teams can fall into the “I’m online, so I’m being productive” trap, too. A time shift, though, forces you to show what you’ve actually accomplished, since few others were there to see if you were logged in all day.

  • Then, when you’re ready to schedule the email, click the arrow on the send icon for the “Schedule message” option.
  • The best way to keep things going well is to be occupied and busy only 80-90% of your working hours so that you have enough time to plan, think, organize and breathe.
  • Work together, even if there is a time gap, and you’ll find that the old adage “two are better than one” is still true.
  • Staying up a bit late or getting up an hour earlier isn’t a bad tradeoff for a job you love, but how about 2 a.m.?
  • If you have to maintain certain hours of coverage despite your employees’ locations, split shifts can be an excellent solution.
  • Research from McKinsey found that ethnically and racially diverse companies outperform their less diverse peers by 36% when it comes to financial metrics.

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